Here goes the list of 10 things you might not know about me:
1. I always dreamt to be a mermaid. Blame it to Ariel and my love for the beach. I love to be one so much that back in my childhood days, I always wear the pillow case similar to that of the mermaid, and move or swim like a mermaid.
2. I was an altar boy back in elementary and high school years. I was with my cousin. Can you imagine me in that white cloth similar to that of the priest? Imagine.
3. I was a fan of Jolina Magdangal-Marvin Agustin films way way back when Jolina still wore his pink hair. Maybe it was the chemistry, or the film itself - or maybe it was just me. I don't know.
4. When I grow fat, the first thing you'll notice is my big tummy. Damn! I am a beer drinker, yes, but it turns out that my beer drinking habit is not just the reason why my tummy bloats. Again, damn it!
5. I love to eat with soy sauce, vinegar, and chili as my appetizer. It explains my big tummy.
6. I talk and grind while sleeping. I can't believe I'm saying these things. Yes! I snore. Satisfied? Good thing I don't sleep walk. Or so I thought.
7. My grandmom and I went to Japan when I was two, I cried so hard and so loud when I saw the airplane. According to my lola, I came to a point where I was pulling my lola, stopping us from riding the plane. How ignorant can I get!
8. The silliest dream I ever had was when I was hit by a gun on my tummy when I was on my way home. My mom fetched me from school, and guess what? I wasn't even in pain, not an inch. I didn't even tell my mom. How silly!
9. My toe corresponding to my thumb is smaller than the toe next to it. Folklore says that with these kinds of toes, I'll be rich. *Toes crossed*
10. I always get the biggest pimple there is on my nose, thanks to my Mom's genes!
There goes the list. I could write more but I promised only 10.
It's not as if I'm Kris Aquino, right?
now i know! heheheh
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