I back read my blog when I first started it back in December and saw a Christmas wish list entry.
Then I thought, I should start thinking of my wish list come Christmas.
Here goes another list of the stuff I want this season of GIVING. Yes, yes, yes. I know. Ma-ma-materialism strikes back. I know this is untimely amidst all the chaos in the country. But hey, this is just a wishlist. Let's put insensitivity aside.
This is for your sake anyway. So you won't have a hard time thinking of what to give me.
Or am I just dreaming?
1. Last year I asked for a Fisheye Lomo cam. This year, I still want one. This is not the one I asked for a year ago, I want the chromiac version of the Fisheye. Perfect for photo taking while waiting for 12 midnight on Christmas.
2. How about my own portable DVD? The vacation will surely bore the hell out of me and that portable DVD is the perfect company. What do you think? Maybe you can include a DVD or two.
3. My eyes have been glued on Traffic shoes for quite some time now, and I think this is the right time to get one. Those pointed, shiny shoes would be perfect to wear on Noche Buena. Yes?
4. The child in me wants a Nintendo DSi. PSP is way too overused. I want something different this time.
5. Would I forget my long overdue dream? A DSLR for myself - whether a Canon 500d or that Nikon D5000. I think I should start plaguing my mom on this.
There you go.
My very own Christmas wish list.
I don' care whether it's wrapped or not.
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